Saturday 25 October 2014

Art Nouveau Inspired College Work (Part 2)

This is the second half of my Art Nouveau work. I used the same process on Photoshop by putting a balance of organic linear designs into compositions that can be put into repeat to look like a potential wall paper idea. Gosh...that was a bit of a mouthful. Below are the initial drawings I started off with which I eventually turned into a complex pattern design.

Above and below are the screens I produced for the screen printing process. Above I separated the leaves from the orchids as it was easier to create a continuous effect of the leaves intertwining one another. I was inspired to do this by a famous artist, William Morris who works with intertwining plant veins into his floral patterns.

This is the Final product. I'm not very good at photographing, as you can probably tell, my photos turned out a bit dark so I had to brighten it up a little by changing the contrast and saturation. I used quite a traditional wallpaper composition, so I wanted to change things around by using energetic colours giving a contemporary twist. I'd say this was my most challenging piece ever because I decided to print on calico material. This is known to be very stretchy which isn't very good when your trying to print something so complicated. Due to this I had many complications as I was fighting with the masking tape trying to keep the material in place. Also if I applied too much pressure, the ink turned out blotchy, if I applied too little, the line would appear too faint. It was pretty frustrating, but I hope from a distance you can't notice the imperfections.  

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Friday 24 October 2014

Art Nouveau Inspired College Work (Part 1)

I finally brought home my a-level art work from college. This was one of my favourite units as we could choose our own topics rather than choosing from a specification. The theme I chose to base my art work on is the natural world inspired by one of my favourite movements, Art Nouveau. I took close-up photographs of pretty flowers with vibrant colours and also facades on buildings as I like the pattern detail.

From my photographs, above are the observational drawings I produced using pencil and biro, in which I then scanned into the computer transforming my images into a digital image design by using Photoshop. I was inspired by artists such as Alphonse Mucha and Gustav Klimt who were part of the Art Nouveau movement. I just literally love everything about their work, I could be on google forever viewing pictures and researching them.

I chose to screen print this design as it was one of my favourites. I like the traditional Art Nouveau wall-papery effect it gives as well as using my own contemporary style by using bright and bold colours. I had to register the pattern carfully as each screen was A4 size and my final size was A2. 
To be honest, this one happened by mistake but the outcome was a pleasant surprise. I kind of played it by ear a little because I originally mono-printed the image of my sister on to calico material which I had dyed black (you can see the failed attempt of red in the background). The photo of my sister is below. Yeah, so stiff material and mono-printing don't go so well together. After,I then decided to sew on top of it giving a finer line. Still having no plan, I randomly decided to screen print on top of it in a contrasting blue giving it a nice finished boarder. This is one of my favourite pieces, maybe I should be more spontaneous...
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Notebook Doodling

So this is just a short intro, I'm currently an art student so I'll be posting art related things. I mostly specialize in surface and print pattern as I'm interested in textiles and interior designs. My drawings are mostly inspired by the natural world. I enjoy incorporating sinuous, elongated, curvy lines from a variety of flowers,roses and leaves.
These are just a couple of doodles I did with biro on brown paper. I use a lot of notebooks for college and I tend to doodle all the time; in this case I got carried away with it.The one below I did for my sister for her birthday present as she loves my drawings. I generally just enjoy sitting there in my free time, sat in front of the telly drawing from imagination.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.